Tag: inflammation

How Gut Influences CVD: TMAO

All disease starts in the gut, but how? Intestinal permeability is a great contributor to metabolic and chronic conditions, as it allows bacterial translocation. Furthermore,…

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western diet

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blueberry strawberry smoothie El Paso tx
Strawberry & Blueberry Inflammation Fighting Smoothie

Inflammation Fighting Smoothie

Dark leafy greens as well as certain fruits are a great way to help the body naturally fight off inflammation. We’ve put together a simple smoothie that can be consumed every morning to fuel your body and help reduce inflammation.

¾ cup orange juice
½ cup ice
½ spinach
1 cup strawberries, sliced
½ cup blueberries
2 tbsp flax seed

Additionally, it is great to add powder pre and probiotics to smoothies. This ensures we are feeding the microbiome the healthy bacteria it needs to flourish.

For additional protein, add in 1 scoop protein powder or 5oz of greek yogurt

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Western diet

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NRLP3 nutritional modulation
Nutritional Modulation of NLRP3 Inflammasome (part 2)

The nucleotide-binding domain and leucine-rich repeat related (NLR) family, pyrin domain containing 3 (NLRP3) is a multimeric protein that recognizes different PAMPs and DAMPs. Furthermore,…

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Nutrition NLRP3
Nutritional Modulation of NLRP3 Inflammasome

Inflammation is a necessary response, and it can initiate host defense response and repair damaged tissue. However, an uncontrolled inflammatory signal can cause prolonged inflammatory…

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tight junctions

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Leaky Gut What Is It | El Paso Texas Chiropractor
Anti-Inflammatory Diets

The link between inflammation and many diseases was made less than 15 years ago. With that being said, there is still so much we are constantly finding out about the connection. Inflammation and disease can be thought of as a circle, the relationship is complex and goes both ways. Inflammation is not always felt by the patient. Majority of inflammation happens in the gut and digestive tract. This leads to something we call “Leaky Gut” or Intestinal Permeability. 

Contributing factors to systemic inflammation include:
Environmental pollutants 
Sedentary lifestyle 

It is important to keep in mind that not all inflammation is bad. In fact, we need inflammation. Inflammation is a natural and normal response within the body to help repair damaged areas. However, when the inflammation gets excessive, we begin to see problems arise. The first steps we take is to eliminate and reduce the contributing factors of systemic inflammation. Smoking includes second hand smoke as well environmental pollutants. These create excessive inflammation in the body and we are unaware of what we are truly breathing in. A sedentary lifestyle and being overweight typically go hand in hand. Adipose tissue or fat cells produce inflammatory chemicals at a faster rate than lean muscle mass. When we live a sedentary lifestyle and begin to carry around added weight, we are adding fuel to the inflammatory fire. Lastly, stress can add unnecessary inflammation to the body by causing cortisol to release into the adrenal pathways.  


Anti-Inflammatory diets are constantly circling around. There have been studies with benefits linking to diets that include healthy fats, low glycemic, wheat-free, Mediterranean, ph-balanced, and antioxidants. One thing that all healthcare providers seem to have in common is agreeing that nutrition is linked to inflammation and pro-inflammatory foods include trans fats, SFA, ARA, and high glycemic loads. 

In order for a patient to be on a true anti-inflammatory diet that helps recover their gut and reduce inflammation, lab work is needed. The reason is that one food that is anti-inflammatory in one individual, might be causing major irritation and inflammation in another. 


To start off, we run a Food Sensitivity Test from Vibrant America. This tests to make sure they do not have any specific IgG reactions to foods consumed, like wheat, vegetables, fruits, and more.

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Mitochondrial Dysfunction: The Link Between Migraines & Fibromyalgia

Migraines and Fibromyalgia have one thing in common, they are both due to mitochondrial dysfunction. More often than not we see those with mitochondrial dysfunction suffering from more than one type of discomfort. The first thing we do is take a detailed history, to truly understand the patient’s history, environment, previous treatment plans, and symptoms. 

Mitochondrial function is a necessity for the body to perform properly. There have been studies that show that magnesium and malic acid is needed for mitochondrial function. In fact, giving magnesium malate 2 tabs, three times a day showed decreased pain in fibromyalgia patients. Magnesium also helps as a laxative and is often helpful in cleansing the gut and beginning to restore gut health. Another step we take to restore gut health is to perform a food sensitivity test to make sure they do not have any specific IgG reactions to foods consumed in their daily diet. We use the Food Sensitivity Test from Vibrant America. Genes

There is research supporting that individuals who have an MTHFR gene mutation are more susceptible to instability in the central neurovascular system. Those who have a MTHFR gene mutation can not convert folate to methylfolate. This is linked to migraines, mood problems, and increased susceptibility for fibromyalgia. For more information regarding MTHFR, please refer to GeneCards: MTHFR.

Nutrition / Supplements 

After analyzing lab work, and when implemented correctly, there are many foods and supplements that can help patients with symptoms associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. 

Some foods to eat include: 

almonds and other nuts and seeds
dark leafy greens

The supplements we use are from Biotics Research and include:

Bio-Multi Plus
ProMulti Plus
Bio D Mulsion 
Optimal EFA caps

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Understanding Inflammation & Immune Dysfunction Part 2

Inflammation is the human body’s natural response to protect itself against injury, infection, and illness. Trauma, exposure to foods (poor diet), microbes, and/or toxins, can…

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Fibromyalgia and Inflammation LIVE WEBINAR

Fibromyalgia is anything but simple. It is classified as a neurologic health condition. The factors of this condition include pain and widespread tenderness throughout the entire body. The widespread pain that individuals experience affects the mitochondria, leading to mitochondrial dysfunction, systemic inflammation, oxidative stress, and DNA damage.

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Mood Regulation El Paso Texas
DNA Mind: Mood Regulation

As we know, some individuals have a harder time regulating their mood and emotions than others do. This is highly connected to their genetic predisposition. Mental health falls under the neuropsychiatric disorder umbrella and accounts for up to 25% of all disability-adjusted life years. The genetic predisposition an individual has contributes to the risk of developing a mental health disorder. By using genetic testing, we have the ability to see if a patient is at risk for depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, anxiety, and PTSD. We use the DNA Mind test by DNA Life.

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Sports Performance: Genetics Part 3

Injury Susceptibility, recovery, power and endurance are all key components when it comes to sports. By using the DNA Sport test from DNA Life we have the opportunity to gain insight on an individual athlete and how their genetic makeup impacts these factors. This test allows parents, coaches, and physicians to see certain polymorphisms that are implicated with increased risk factors for injuries as well as inflammation and oxidative stress.

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Sports Performance: Genetics Part 1
Sports Performance: Genetics Part 1

Growing up, there always seemed to be the kids in P.E. who were just naturally better at sports than others. Additionally, there were kids who seemed like they were always hurt. Genetics make up a large factor when it comes to athletic performance and recovery. Over the last few decades, research has emerged proving that athletic performance, training responsiveness, injury-related traits, and the ability to recover from a workout can be tailored down to the genetics of an individual. We have the capability to do a genetic test on individuals so that parents and coaches are able to learn more about the athlete and how to train them for optimal performance. Many parents take advantage of this test and use it to see the athlete’s weakness, therefore building them up and focusing on that area. This allows the athlete to have a better chance of success. We use DNA Sport from DNA Life.

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Health & Wellness: Nutrition & Genes Part 1
Health & Wellness: Genetics and Nutrition Part 1 of 4

Our genes play a significant role in energy expenditure, appetite, and fat metabolism. This explains why two individuals doing the same diet can have drastically different results. The food we eat plays a significant factor in our overall health and wellbeing. Those who eat the standard American diet tend to be overweight, sick more often, have a poor immune system, and heavy inflammation, leading to chronic illness as they age. However, those who eat in favor of their genes and provide their body is organic nutrients have a lower BMI, reduced chance of cardiovascular issues, optimal body composition, and have more days of being active. 

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Health & Wellness: Oxidative Stress

In order to obtain optimal health, the balance between oxidation and anti-oxidants is highly important. Anti-oxidants can be obtained through proper dietary support like vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids, and polyphenols. These foods interact with the free radicals and ensure they are no longer a reactive molecule. 

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