
Health coaching incorporates many aspects of life with the goal of improving overall quality of health. Arthropathies is a disease that impacts daily functions. Arthropathies is a general term that describes any disease of the joints. A group of arthropathic disorders can afflict the joints, such as sacroiliitis which causes inflammation in the sacroiliac joint. There is Charcot’s, which is degeneration of a weight bearing join and arthrogryposis which means, “curving of joints.” Doctors use arthropathy interchangeably with arthritis, which means “joint inflammation.” Forms of arthropathy that are distinct from arthritis are Neuropathic arthropathy that is nerve damage from diabetes or other nerve conditions which results in slow damage to joints. In diabetic people, arthropathy usually affects the foot and ankle. Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy is where the bone ends of the ankles, knees, wrists, and elbows start to grow abnormally and painfully.  Finger tips start to become rounded, called “clubbing.” This form of arthropathy usually happens to people with lung cancer. And Hemarthrosis is when blood leaks into a joint like the knee. This occurs after injuries or medical procedures and is a problem in people with hemophilia. Health coaching can help individuals in regards to giving advice on what foods to eat/stay away from, exercise that may help to improve symptoms and work to reduce inflammation to increase their overall quality of life.

Biologics For Ankylosing Spondylitis: Health Coach Clinic

Ankylosing spondylitis is an inflammatory condition that causes pain and stiffness in the spine’s joints. Over time, it can progress to fusing the bones of…

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Melatonin: Inflammatory Modulation
Melatonin: Inflammatory Modulation

Melatonin works as a link between circadian rhythms of different target tissues distributed on our body. The pineal gland primarily secretes melatonin, but other tissues…

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