Functional Medicine* and Integrative Wellness requires Doctors to engage in further education outside of their core training and within their scope of practice.

Metabolic syndrome is a combination of three or more health conditions. Alone, these health conditions may not be a red flag, but combined these health conditions cause detrimental consequences to occur inside the body. These include waist circumference, high fasting blood glucose, high triglycerides, high blood pressure, and low HDL. Metabolic syndrome can increase inflammation, joint pain, fatigue, and lead to other autoimmune diseases if left untreated. Southwest functional medicine has the resources available and the diagnostic laboratory testing to assess your symptoms and create a personalized treatment plan centered around functional wellness. These plans are designed to reduce your risk of autoimmune conditions, inflammation, joint pain, headaches, and metabolic syndrome symptoms.

What is metabolic syndrome?

This routine called insulin resistance syndrome, metabolic disease, syndrome X or dysmetabolic syndrome is a group of ailments that if taken radically increases the chance of stroke cardiovascular disease and diabetes. If Someone has any three of these risk factors, A diagnosis of metabolic syndrome is made:

  • Waist circumference: at least 35 inches for women and at least 40 inches for men.
  • Fasting blood glucose at 100 mg/dL
  • Serum triglycerides at 150 mg/dL
  • Blood pressure at least 135/85mmHg
  • HDL (“good”) cholesterol lower than 40 mg/dL for guys or 50 mg/dL for women

Metabolic Syndrome appears to affect between 25 and 30% of the U.S. population according to various federal health surveys.

What Are The Symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome?

There aren’t many physical symptoms of metabolic syndrome. Individuals with metabolic syndrome do have an inclination to be obese, especially around the abdomen — similar to an”apple shape”.  This condition is related to insulin resistance, individuals with metabolic syndrome may exhibit some of their clinical features associated with an increase in the production of insulin. For instance, women may experience cysts in their ovaries (metabolic syndrome is associated with polycystic ovarian cysts) and irregular periods. Individuals can have an elevated incidence of skin tags, benign elevated growths of skin that normally appear on the neck and back. Additionally, they can display pigmentation of the skin which looks dirty or discolored over the back of the neck and underarms. Individuals may also suffer from daytime sleepiness, headaches, joint pain, increased inflammation, swelling, and more.

Consistently high levels of insulin are associated with a number of harmful changes in the body before its manifesting as disease including chronic inflammation, damage to arterial walls, thickening of the blood, and decreased excretion from the kidneys of sodium. Individuals with metabolic disease also show elevations in blood pressure and changes in their own blood lipids, chiefly with triglycerides (elevated) and good cholesterol or higher-density lipoprotein (HDL) (decreased ). Issues grow over time and worsen if left untreated.

What Treatments Can Southwest Functional Medicine Provide for Metabolic Syndrome?

During your appointment, we will discuss in detail your lifestyle and your lab results. This will provide a better understanding of your genetics and which areas to focus on and change to implement the best changes that show results for your body. Some modifications we look into include but are not limited to dietary modifications, all-natural supplements, exercise, increasing your water intake, and more.

*Additional Education: M.S.A.C.P – Licensed in Texas & New Mexico. Scope of Practice Governed and Determined by State License & State Board Rules & Regulations.

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