Folate, and its synthetic form folic acid, is a water-soluble B vitamin that plays a fundamental role in a variety of functions in the human…
Our diet can significantly affect inflammation in our bodies. Several foods can increase inflammation while other foods can reduce inflammation. According to healthcare professionals, a…
Calories are defined as a measurement of the energy our body produces from the foods we eat. However, not all calories are created equal. If…
Nutrition is considered to be one of the most well-understood environmental factors associated with changes in the epigenome. Nutrients in the foods we eat are…
Insulin is an essential hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. It is naturally produced in the pancreas and helps move excess glucose from the bloodstream…
Our genetics are heavily influenced by the environment. This meaning that the way and times our genes express heavily depend on the micronutrients and toxins we surround our bodies with. Research has found that by eating a diet specific to your genes, you have the potential to alter when the genes express, reducing your overall risk of disease. We use diagnostic laboratory testing to assess your genetic makeup and create a personalized plan for you. By discovering what diseases you are more susceptible to, genetic testing allows us to create a path that will lead you to optimal health in the future.
Researchers are trying to understand how nutrigenomics can affect a person’s health. Studies have shown that epigenetics increases the risk of several health issues. Other…
One of the best ways to reduce your chances of developing type 2 diabetes, or slow down the progression/reverse a diagnosis is to start with reducing inflammation. This is done by starting in the kitchen. Evaluate diet first. We should be eating clean locally sourced organic foods to fuel our cells and alter our genetic expression in a positive way. By eating pizza and chips we are adding fuel to the inflammation fire and throwing constant reactors at our genes, altering their expression to be pro-inflammatory rather than anti-inflammatory.
The balance of homocysteine in the body is critical. Too much as we start to see neurodegenerative disorders, inflammation, and even cardiovascular disease. Homocysteine can be tricky to balance as it requires an understanding of how homocysteine is produced. Research is showing now a link between homocysteine metabolism, specific pathologies, and its influence on our genes.
The mitochondria is the “powerhouse of the cellâ€. It obtained this nickname by being the creator of ATP, or the energy our body produces to carry out functions. However, the mitochondria is responsible for so much more than that. More recently, studies have been showing a link between mitochondrial health and degenerative age-related diseases such as type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and others. Mitochondrial dysfunction can be linked and grouped into three categories: neurodegenerative diseases, immune diseases, and hepatic diseases.
Genetics play a large role in the onset of diseases and human physiology. One thing we know now more than ever is the heavy impact that nutrition has on these genes and the triggers to “turn on†or “off†a disease marker. New research is revealing that lifestyle, dietary components, mindsets, medication, and environmental factors are also responsible for the increase or decrease of gene activity. To help reduce methylation dysfunction, remember to reduce stress, remove toxins, and restore your body with the proper nutrients it needs!
The food we eat and our lifestyle as a whole has drastically changed over the past 100 years. Inflammation and chronic diseases are on the rise and nutrition is heavily responsible. The Wahls Protocol is a diet designed to improve health and reduce inflammation. The Wahls Protocol includes 3 cups of leafy greens, 3 cups of colored fruits and vegetables, and 3 cups of sulfur-rich vegetables per day along with cutting out foods containing gluten, white flour, sugar, dairy, and removing toxins. Remember, we are what we eat!
11% of the population is on some type of antidepressant. Many on antidepressants are on them for years or life. However, as a functional health care provider, we know that 95% of the body’s serotonin is housed in the gut, not the brain. So if depression is a lack of serotonin, the first place you should look is the gut! Fixing the balance within the gut and decreasing inflammation have shown positive results in regards to depression.
Cancer is when a group of cells begin to grow out of hand. Cellular apoptosis or cell death does not occur as frequently as needed. Some natural steps you can take to reduce your risk of cancer is to 1) control inflammation by following an anti-inflammatory diet 2) get rid of all excess toxins. Check your cleaning products and detergents for toxins that may be adding unnecessary chemicals to your body 3) continue with regular check-ups to your physician and getting blood work done when needed 4) Maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine.
Autoimmune diseases are a much larger problem than they were 10 years ago. Now, autoimmune diseases are reaching an epidemically high level with over 50 million people diagnosed. All autoimmune diseases are linked to one common condition, inflammation. An autoimmune disease is when the immune system is under constant inflammation from frequently recurring triggers. Those diagnosed with an autoimmune disease have one or more of these stressors overly present in their life:
-Chronic Emotional and Cognitive Stress
-Unhealthy Coping PatternsÂ
-Poor NutritionÂ
-Gastrointestinal Stress
-Adrenal Stress
-Hormonal StressÂ
-Inflammatory and Infectious Stress
-Toxic Stress
The majority of women who are diagnosed with breast cancer continue to use dietary supplements throughout their treatments and for the continuum of their care. Working with your doctor and adding in natural supplements could help decrease your chance of recurrence. Some studied natural supplements include multivitamins, green tea, melatonin, and curcumin. Additionally, adding in 2.5 hours of exercise a week helps improve your chance of fighting off cancers. That’s only 30 minutes a day, 5 times a week!
Reflux of gastric contents back into the esophagus is normal in human physiology. However, when this reflux begins to present itself with symptoms, mucosal injury, or both, GERD is diagnosed. One way to reduce GERD is to “cut the C.R.A.Pâ€.
C- coffee, cigarettes, and chocolate
R- for refined carbohydrates, also known as sugars
A- acidic foods, alcohol, and allergic foods
P- pop, peppermint, and progesterone