
Wellness: A key factor to spine or back pain conditions is staying healthy. Overall wellness involves a balanced diet, appropriate exercise, physical activity, restful sleep and a healthy lifestyle. The term has been applied in many ways. But overall the definition is as follows. It is a conscious, self-directed and evolving process of achieving full potential. It is multidimensional, bringing together lifestyle both mental/spiritual and the environment in which one lives. There are six dimensions that all go into wellness. Working on all six dimensions helps an individual to become truly well. It is positive and affirms that which we do is in fact correct. It is an active process where people become aware and make choices towards a more successful lifestyle. This includes how a person contributes to their environment/community. They aim to build healthier living spaces and social networks. It helps in creating a person’s belief systems, values, and a positive world perspective. Along with this comes the benefits of regular exercise, healthy diet, as well as personal self-care and knowing when to seek medical attention. Dr. Jimenez’ message is to work towards being fit, being healthy, and staying aware with our collection of articles, blogs and videos. Health coaching incorporates all six dimensions and works with individuals on how they can achieve optimal wellness in these areas.

What is the Role of a Detox Diet? | El Paso, TX Chiropractor

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DNA Skin: Collagen, Sun sensitivity, and Sun Damage
DNA Skin: Collagen, Sun Sensitivity & Sun Damage

The skin is the largest organ on the body. It is critical that we take care of it properly. There are many things that factor into our skin health, like genetics, inflammation, stress, medication, and unhealthy foods high in sugars. For skin health, all-natural solutions go further as they do not come with the uncomfortable side effects many medications do. Part of treating the skin naturally involves chiropractic care. The spine is the main focus in chiropractic care, but the rest of the body’s health deeply depends on the spine. By getting regular adjustments, we are able to improve the function of the nervous system which helps improve the body overall. Stress is released at higher rates when the spinal cord is not properly aligned. By regulating the spinal cord, you are positively regulating the release of cortisol into the bloodstream. Therefore, lowering the body’s stress and inflammation levels.

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Good Foods to Help Promote Longevity | El Paso, TX Chiropractor

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Can You Change Your Epigenetic Clock? | El Paso, TX Chiropractor

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Mood Regulation El Paso Texas
DNA Mind: Mood Regulation

As we know, some individuals have a harder time regulating their mood and emotions than others do. This is highly connected to their genetic predisposition. Mental health falls under the neuropsychiatric disorder umbrella and accounts for up to 25% of all disability-adjusted life years. The genetic predisposition an individual has contributes to the risk of developing a mental health disorder. By using genetic testing, we have the ability to see if a patient is at risk for depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, anxiety, and PTSD. We use the DNA Mind test by DNA Life.

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How Nutrition Affects Health and Longevity | El Paso, TX Chiropractor

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Genetics and Nutrition | El Paso Health Chiropractor Coach
Health & Wellness: Genetics and Nutrition Part 3 of 4

As previously discussed, our genes play a significant role in energy expenditure, appetite, and fat metabolism. Our genetics determine our susceptibility to obesity when exposed to an unfavorable environment. Additionally, we are also able to see how individuals will react to specific diets and exercises. We are able to use genetic testing to see a genetic profile and create a cutting-edge, scientifically backed, and effective weight loss plan for each patient. As we know, food consumption impacts our health throughout our entire life. With an unhealthy diet, turning on and off genetic risk factors, it becomes unhealthy and is a major risk factor for chronic health conditions. Nutrition-related conditions are often encountered and identified by chiropractors where musculoskeletal and inflammation is the origin.

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Health & Wellness: Nutrition & Genes Part 1
Health & Wellness: Genetics and Nutrition Part 1 of 4

Our genes play a significant role in energy expenditure, appetite, and fat metabolism. This explains why two individuals doing the same diet can have drastically different results. The food we eat plays a significant factor in our overall health and wellbeing. Those who eat the standard American diet tend to be overweight, sick more often, have a poor immune system, and heavy inflammation, leading to chronic illness as they age. However, those who eat in favor of their genes and provide their body is organic nutrients have a lower BMI, reduced chance of cardiovascular issues, optimal body composition, and have more days of being active. 

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Food Responsiveness | El Paso Texas Chiropractor Health Coach
Health & Wellness: Food Responsiveness

The way our bodies respond to and break down food is being studied more and commonly linked to many chronic health conditions. The reactions we have to certain foods have been known to cause international permeability and over time leaky gut syndrome, leading to inflammation and autoimmune diseases. Not all food reacts the same way inside the digestive tract, some individuals are fine eating milk while others have digestive complications. Specific genes can be tested to provide a deeper insight to how someone might respond to a food component. To test an individual’s genes, we use DNA Health from DNA Life.

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