Tag: diet

Good Calories vs Bad Calories Overview | El Paso, TX Chiropractor

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Type 2 Diabetes: Nutrition & Environmental factors | El paso Texas Chiroptactic health coach
Type 2 Diabetes: Nutrition & Environmental Factors

One of the best ways to reduce your chances of developing type 2 diabetes, or slow down the progression/reverse a diagnosis is to start with reducing inflammation. This is done by starting in the kitchen. Evaluate diet first. We should be eating clean locally sourced organic foods to fuel our cells and alter our genetic expression in a positive way. By eating pizza and chips we are adding fuel to the inflammation fire and throwing constant reactors at our genes, altering their expression to be pro-inflammatory rather than anti-inflammatory.

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Nutrigenomis: Our Cellular Energy Production and Genetics | El Paso Health Coach and Texas Chiropractic
Nutrigenomics: Our Cellular Energy Production & Genetics

Every single cell in our body requires energy to complete its functions. The energy our body creates and uses is known as ATP. ATP is created in the mitochondria and relies on a mixture of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates to source its fuel. This energy is created in an essential process called The Krebs Cycle. Similar to other functions throughout the body, when inflammation occurs important process can become hindered and not performed to their greatest extent. We have the ability to maximize our Krebs Cycle by the food we eat, ultimately leading to a postive alteration in our genes and reduced inflammation throughout our body.

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Diet and Autoimmunity The Wahls Protocol | El Paso Health Coach
Diet & Autoimmunity: The Wahls Protocol

The food we eat and our lifestyle as a whole has drastically changed over the past 100 years. Inflammation and chronic diseases are on the rise and nutrition is heavily responsible. The Wahls Protocol is a diet designed to improve health and reduce inflammation. The Wahls Protocol includes 3 cups of leafy greens, 3 cups of colored fruits and vegetables, and 3 cups of sulfur-rich vegetables per day along with cutting out foods containing gluten, white flour, sugar, dairy, and removing toxins. Remember, we are what we eat!

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Cancer: Holistic Supplements and Lifestyle Changes Post Treatment | El Paso Health
Cancer: Holistic Supplements and Lifestyle Changes Post Treatment

Cancer survivors have a lot on their minds, one being a recurrence. Studies have shown that natural supplements, diet, and exercise can help decrease risk of recurrence. A Mediterranean diet is based on a large diversity of plant-based foods and can help your body receive optimal nutrients post-treatment. Additionally, supplements like curcumin, green tea, vitamin D, and fish oils coupled with 150 minutes of exercise per week help reduce your risk.

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Helpful Tips For SIBO | El Paso Texas Chiropractor
Helpful Tips For SIBO Relief

SIBO or Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth is an issue in many individuals. With SIBO, many patients experience IBS as well. Over â…” of SIBO cases are chronic and long-term treatment is needed. For the most symptom relief, patients find a diet to be an essential factor. These four diets are great options for a place to start:

Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD)
Cedars-Sinai Low Fermentation Diet (C-SLFD)
SIBO Specific Food Guide (SSFG)

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The Role of Nrf2 and Inflammation | El Paso Texas Chiropractor

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Biotransformation | El Paso Texas Chiropractor

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A Biotransformation Journey | El Paso Texas Chiropractor

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Stubborn Weight: Genetics or Diet? | El Paso Chiropractor

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Health Coaching Part 3 | El Paso Texas Chiropractor

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The Best Diet For Pain Relief | El Paso Texas Chiropractor

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Macronutrients and Health | El Paso TX Chiropractor

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What Is Metabolic Syndrome? | El Paso Texas Chiropractor

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Metabolic Syndrome: Home Solutions | El Paso Texas Chiropractor

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