Nutrition and Wellness

Nutrition and Wellness go hand in hand. Food provides people with the necessary energy and nutrients to be healthy and for their bodies to perform optimally. By eating a variety of colorful foods, including good quality vegetables, fruits, whole-grain products and lean meats, the body can replenish itself with the essential macronutrient (proteins, carbohydrates, fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) to function effectively. Healthy eating does not have to be hard. The key is to eat a variety of foods, which include vegetables, fruits, and whole-grains. Eat lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, and low-fat dairy products and drink about half your body weight in ounces of water. Limit salt, sugar, alcohol, saturated fat, and trans fat. Saturated fats usually come from animals. Look for trans fat on the labels of processed foods, margarines, and shortenings. Dr. Alex Jimenez and his health coach offer nutritional examples as well as describe the importance of a balanced nutrition throughout this series of articles, emphasizing how a proper diet combined with physical activity can help individuals reach and maintain a healthy weight, reduce their risk of developing chronic diseases like heart disease, and ultimately promote overall health and wellness.

Internal Organ Damage Chiropractic Rehabilitation Health

Internal injuries occur under the skin and muscle tissues. Internal organ damage occurs when an organ’s structure becomes altered or begins to malfunction and can…

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How To Manage Inflammatory & Autoimmune Conditions In The Body

Introduction Everyone tries to make healthy life choices by boosting their immune system. Getting adequate sleep, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, drinking plenty of water, and exercising all help increase…

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The Impact of Fatigue & Rheumatoid Arthritis

Introduction Many individuals have dealt with issues affecting their lives in some way or form. People with autoimmune diseases must learn to manage their immune system from constantly…

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Whey Protein Powder and Musculoskeletal Health

The body needs protein which is essential in building muscle, repairing tissue, producing enzymes and hormones and is a source of energy. Whey is a…

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Sacroiliac Dysfunction Causes More Than Back Issues

Introduction Maintaining healthy joints is crucial to preventing injuries from affecting the body. Incorporating physical activities, eating healthy foods, staying hydrated, and getting a routine…

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Hydrating Foods To Eat During Intense Heat For Body Health

Medical experts advise that maintaining body hydration is one of the most important things to do in extreme heat. Individuals out in the heat lose…

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Piriformis Syndrome May Cause More Than Hip Pain

Introduction The muscles in our body help us be active when we want to be, rest and repair after activities, and continue to provide everyday movements that…

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Diarrhea and Back Pain: Chiropractic Medical

Experiencing low back pain and diarrhea can be a symptom of a viscerosomatic reflex, somatovisceral reflex, or a combination. A reflex is an involuntary response to…

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