Tag: muscle

Thoracodorsal Nerve Injury: Symptoms, Anatomy, and Treatment

“Individuals experiencing pain symptoms like shooting, stabbing, or electrical sensations to the latissimus dorsi of the upper back could be caused by a nerve injury…

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Understanding Gluteus Minimus Muscles for Optimal Performance

“For individuals experiencing gluteus minimus pain and are unsure where to start to deal with it, can a physical therapist, chiropractor, or general practitioner help…

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Maximizing Muscle Growth: Nutrition, Genetics, and Training

“For individuals trying to build muscle but are not seeing results, can knowing factors like what foods to eat, how to work out, and genetics…

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Recognizing Groin Strains: Symptoms & Recovery Time

“When a groin strain injury happens, can knowing the symptoms help in the diagnosis, treatment, and recovery times?” Groin Strain Injury A groin strain is…

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Hip Pain and Iliopsoas Syndrome: Diagnosis and Treatment

“Individuals suffering from hip, thigh, and/or groin pain could be experiencing iliopsoas syndrome. Could knowing the symptoms and causes help in diagnosis and treatment?” Iliopsoas…

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Hamstring Injury Prevention and Recovery Tips

“Hamstring muscle injuries are common, especially in athletes and individuals with physically demanding jobs. Is there a better chance of full recovery with surgical repair…

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Recovery from a Muscle Strain Injury: Pulled Muscle Treatment

“When individuals experience a neuromusculoskeletal injury strain, can following basic pulled muscle treatment protocols help in healing and a full recovery?” Pulled Muscle Treatment A…

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Calisthenics Resistance Training

Can adding calisthenics resistance training to a fitness routine provide health benefits like flexibility, balance, and coordination? Calisthenics Resistance Training Calisthenics resistance training requires no…

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Upper Crossed Syndrome Muscle Health

Can musculoskeletal therapies treat individuals with upper crossed syndrome to relieve pain, improve posture, and strengthen the muscles in the neck, shoulders and chest? Upper…

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Ice Water Bath For Sore Muscle Recovery

Athletes regularly take an ice-water bath after training or playing. It is known as cold water immersion/cryotherapy. It is used to relieve and reduce muscle…

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MET Therapy Protocol For Muscle Pain

Introduction Regarding the musculoskeletal system, the various muscles, tissues, and ligaments help protect the spine and vital organs that make the body functional. These muscles…

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Sets, Reps, and Rest: A Strength Training Guide

Fitness, exercising, weight, and strength training programs use terms like sets, reps, and rest intervals. Knowing what they mean and how to use them for…

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Exercises To Help Digestion: EP Health Coach Clinic

Regular exercise and physical activity help with cardiovascular health, improved mood, better management of chronic conditions, and can help digestion. For individuals with any GI…

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