Integrative Medicine

Integrative Medicine Focus: Chiropractic Doctors and health coaches provide preventative care to help establish healthy habits in patients at all stages of their lives. For example, posture analysis can help identify posture habits that can greatly impact overall health, including energy levels, breathing, stress, and sleep. Chiropractic medicine is a form of integrative medicine that focuses on natural, non-invasive, evidence-informed practices of disease prevention and health promotion. Health coaching falls under integrative medicine because they look for the underlying source of the problem to treat the cause and not just the symptoms. This is done through lab work, nutritional assistance, detoxing, and all-natural supplements. Through a broad scope of assessment and treatment modalities such as manipulation, functional medicine, physical rehabilitation therapy, targeted nutritional and botanical care, acupuncture, and diet/lifestyle management, chiropractic medicine, and health coaching can effectively treat a wide range of conditions and improve overall health.

Organic Acid Testing | ElPaso Texas Coach
Functional Testing: Organic Acid Testing & It’s Importance

As humans we need ATP to sustain life. ATP is the energy our bodies use to perform cellular functions. To properly create ATP we need a combination of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins (macronutrients). To take these substances and convert them into ATP, our body uses a metabolic pathway referred to as the Citric Acid Cycle. The Citric Acid Cycle is what supplies the body with its primary energy. Without proper energy production from the Citric Acid Cycle we feel fatigued, muscle pain, and our body may suffer from inflammation. Organic acids are a result obtained from metabolic pathways such as the Citric Acid Cycle. We have the ability to assess your body’s energy production by measuring Organic Acids with diagnostic lab testing.

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Neurotransmitters-what are they and why are they important? El Paso Texas Health Coach
Neurotransmitters: What Are They & Why Are They Important?

A neurotransmitter is a chemical messenger that regulates physical processes. Neurotransmitters are responsible for movement, pain, stress, emotions, cognition, energy, cravings, and more. Neurotransmitters imbalances are not only found in the brain but they are excreted outside of the Central Nervous System as well. Neurotransmitters play a role in influencing our digestion, nutrient absorption and impact our musculoskeletal system. When neurotransmitters are off-balance, individuals experience headaches, mood swings, anxiety, fatigue, pain, and depression. Using diagnostic lab technology, we have the ability to test our patients for neurotransmitter deficiencies.

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The Impact of Genes and Their Environment

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Insulin Resistance: Causes & Solutions | El paso Health
Insulin Resistance: Causes & Solutions

Insulin resistance is linked to major health conditions such as: obesity, prediabetes, diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), artery disease, cancer, arthritis, and neurodegenerative diseases. To reduce your chances of insulin resistance, take the steps to make positive changes in your lifestyle. Some simple steps include reducing your intake of sugary drinks and only drinking water, exercising regularly, and cutting out sugar, carbs, and foods with a high glycemic index.

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Gluten Related Disorders | El Paso Texas Chiropractor
Gluten Related Disorders

Gluten-related intolerances such as gluten sensitivity or celiac disease need to be addressed as undiagnosed celiac disease has been associated with a nearly 4-fold increase risk of death.  Gluten disorders show their presence in symptoms such as weight loss, bloating, flatulence, abdominal pain, iron deficiencies, skin disorders such as rashes, has an association with type 1 diabetes and results in abnormal liver function tests. 
For patients who are experiencing unexplained autoimmunity, unexplained neurological problems, uncomfortable GI symptoms, skin rashes, and unexplained depression, practitioners should think of gluten!

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Clostridia: A Bacteria that Impacts Mental Health| El Paso Texas Chiropractor
Clostridia: A Bacteria That Impacts Your Mental Health

Can bacteria be impacting your mental health? Throughout the past 10 years, the evidence is coming to light showing that there is a link and relation to certain bacterias and aspects of mental health. Research has shown that increased levels of clostridia are linked to disorders such as autism, depression, and more. It is important to keep an eye on your digestive tract and gastrointestinal health, as uncomfortable symptoms may be an indicator that something needs to be evaluated by a health care professional.

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Functions Of The Intestinal Barrier | El Paso Texas Chiropractor
Functions Of The Intestinal Barrier

What is the intestinal barrier and why is it important?
The intestinal barrier is our first line of defense when fighting off unwanted pathogens. The intestinal barrier needs to be functioning properly to ensure optimal GI health and immunity. Testing the intestinal barrier will allow us to see the extent of gut dysbiosis as well as food sensitivities. From here, we can begin to remove the irritants, create a personalized plan, and restore optimal gut health and function!

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Organic Acid Testing | El Paso Texas Chiropractor
Organic Acids Testing

Organic Acid Testing!
Lab testing is essential before treating symptoms. Organic acid testing tests the chemical compounds that are excreted in the urine. Organic acids can represent anemia, lethargy, hyperactivity, dermatitis and more. Often times, once lab work reveals what organic acids are present, an all-natural holistic approach is created to treat organic acids and repair damage.

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Pathogens What Are They | El Paso Texas Chiropractor
Pathogens: What Are They?

Pathogens: What are they?
Pathogens are bacteria, viruses, or other microorganisms that can cause disease. The most common pathogens we see today are bacterial pathogens, parasitic pathogens, and fungal pathogens.
The first step to overcoming pathogens is to have lab testing performed. Lab testing will provide your practitioner with the necessary information to determine what pathogen is overgrowing in your gut. From here, the plan can be created to properly assess the pathogen and repair a healthy gut.

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Two Brains? A New Perspective On The Bodys Gut & Nervous System

Two Brains? Studies now show the gut (ENS) and the brain (CNS) can function separately from each other! This gives us an all-new insight into the gut. The gut is extremely important and acts as our inner defense system and contains more than 100 million nerve cells. That’s more than our spinal cord! This new research is shining more light on how important our gut health really is and how it is connected to other health conditions, such as autoimmune. Start taking control of your gut health now!

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The Role Of Inflammation | El Paso Texas Chiropractor

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GERD reduction linked to lower BMI | El Paso Texas Chiropractor

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Vitamin Deficiency & Metformin| El Paso Texas Chiropractor

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Food and Autoimmunity | El Paso Texas Chiropractor

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Understanding Functional Medicine | El Paso Texas Chiropractor

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CareCredit El Paso | Chirpractor

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Health and Immunity Dr. Jimenez and Dr. Ruja | El Paso Texas Chiropractor

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