Tag: wellness

Maintain Flexibility with a Nutrient-Rich Diet

Having and maintaining flexibility in the joints depends on the connective tissues surrounding the muscles. Proper lubrication in the connective tissues enables the fibers to…

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Rodeo Training: EP Health Coach Clinic

Rodeo Training: Rodeo has become a sport that is now open to anyone, and there are even programs for weekend warriors. Like all sports, it…

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Stretching Objective: EP Health Coach Clinic

Stretching Objective: The body needs to be flexible to maintain a full range of motion. Stretching keeps the muscles supple, strong, and healthy; without it,…

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Leg Adjustments: EP Health Coach Clinic

The legs are important for standing and motion. Various problems can affect any part, including the bones, tendons, joints, blood vessels, and connective tissues of…

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Cold Fingers Causes: EP’s Health Coach Clinic

In cold weather, it’s normal to experience cold hands and fingers. But if there is a coldness in only one finger while the rest of…

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Jaw Clenching: Health Coach Clinic

Bruxism is an abnormal jaw clenching or grinding of the teeth, either while awake or during sleep. This can cause neck and shoulder tension caused…

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Trapped Sciatic Nerve In or Around Hamstrings: Health Coach

Hamstring syndrome is a condition where the sciatic nerve gets pinched between the hamstring muscles and the pelvic bone or by the tissue bands that…

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Slouching Causes: EP’s Health Coach Clinic

Unhealthy posture and slouching incorrectly position the body unnaturally, adding chronic strain on the muscles and ligaments. For example, when sitting or standing at a…

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Trail Mix Health: EP’s Health Coach Clinic

Trail mix is a favorite snack for many individuals. A typical mix combines granola, dried fruits, nuts, seeds, cereals, and pretzels. The mix was originally…

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