Protein deficiency, or hypoproteinemia, is when the body has lower-than-normal protein levels. Protein is an essential nutrient in bones, muscles, skin, hair, and nails, and…

Protein deficiency, or hypoproteinemia, is when the body has lower-than-normal protein levels. Protein is an essential nutrient in bones, muscles, skin, hair, and nails, and…
The nervous system is a network of roads that feed into highways that connect to an interstate system. The roads are the nerves that innervate…
The oblique muscles support and aid in side-to-side movement, helping maintain back strength and healthy posture. There are two oblique muscle sets, the internal and…
Regularly doing planks can support/strengthen the spine and prevent back pain no matter the fitness level. It’s estimated that 70% of adults will experience back…
Individuals typically don’t think about their spine as they go through their everyday lives, bending, reaching, twisting, lifting, etc. However, it is through all of…