Tag: probiotics

Kimchi: A Delicious Source of Probiotics and Nutrients

Can kimchi benefit individuals trying to incorporate more fermented foods into their diet? Kimchi Kimchi is a flavorful and nutritious food packed with nutritious vegetables.…

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Yogurt and Gut Health: Functional Health Coach

Yogurt is a dairy product made by the bacterial fermentation of milk. The bacteria used are called yogurt cultures, which ferment lactose, which is the…

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Herbal Therapy for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth

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The Perioperative use of Nutraceuticals: Probiotics
The Perioperative use of Nutraceuticals: Probiotics

Nutritional assessment is a critical step that inpatients have to go through before undergoing surgery. Unfortunately, even with the obesity pandemic, most patients fall into…

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PCOS and genes
Functional Wellness: PCOS

The first Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) conference was held in 1990 and discussed what PCOS is and how they were diagnosing and treating patients. They looked at oligo-anovulation, no ovulation, and too many androgens. Now, we use the Rotterdam criteria. This criterion groups together anovulation abnormal ovulation, clinical hirsutism acne (signs of hyperandrogens), and an ultrasound to view the presence of 12 or more follicles and determines if you have two out of those three then you are diagnosed with PCOS. There are multiple pathways that PCOS develops. Ultimately, these pathways are categorized into 4 groups: LIfestyle induced PCOS, Poor Fat Digestion/Sugar Burner, Inflammatory Diet/Poor Food Choices, and Genetic Predisposition.

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Understanding The Underlying Cause of SIBO | El Paso Texas Chiropractor
Understanding The Underlying Causes of SIBO

SIBO is the overgrowth of commensal organisms in the small intestine. SIBO stands for Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth. The overgrowth of bacteria leads to intestinal permeability, opening up an entirely new list of complications propagated by systemic inflammation. Some diseases associated with SIBO are acne, diabetes, celiac, and more! If you experience uncomfortable gas, bloating, abnormal bowel movements, headaches, or skin rashes SIBO could be related! Get tested to find out if SIBO is affecting you.

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