Chiropractic is a form of neuromusculoskeletal care that repairs and re-optimizes the nervous system and helps to relieve tension, inflammation, and pain and restore body…

Chiropractic is a form of neuromusculoskeletal care that repairs and re-optimizes the nervous system and helps to relieve tension, inflammation, and pain and restore body…
Athletic success has a lot to do with our coaches, internal motivation, and time dedicated to the sport. However, it also has to do with our genetics. The athletic phenotype is complex and includes a variety of many different environmental factors. Genetic testing gives coaches and parents the ability to personalize training sessions, focusing on strengths and weaknesses. This allows them to truly have sport-specific training that uses their genetic potential to their advantage to optimize success. We use DNA Sport from DNA Life.
With everything that is going on in today’s world immunity is especially important. Without a properly functioning immune system, our bodies can become inflamed and…