Tag: health

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Gender Expression: LGBTQ+ Inclusive Healthcare

Gender is a concept with many facets. Everyone has a gender expression. Can learning about gender expression help healthcare professionals provide better and more effective…

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A Cost-Effective Treatment For Lumbosacral Pain

In individuals with lumbosacral pain, how do cost-effective treatments compare to traditional care treatments affect muscle strain? Introduction The human spine is divided into three…

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Cranberry Juice Health Benefits

Individuals dealing with health problems, UTIs, and skin issues can become chronic, what are the effects and benefits of drinking cranberry juice? Cranberry Juice Cranberries…

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New Concepts In Back Pain Management: Decompression

In many working individuals with back pain, how does non-surgical decompression achieve pain reduction to the intervertebral disc in pain management? Introduction Low back pain…

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Joint Manipulation Health Benefits

Individuals at work, school, etc, perform all kinds of repetitive physical tasks that put their bodies through a great deal of musculoskeletal stress, what are…

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Recommended Nutrition For Constipation

The digestive system breaks down the foods eaten so the body can absorb the nutrients. During digestion, the unnecessary parts of these foods are turned…

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Chiropractic Therapeutic Neuromusculoskeletal Treatment

Chiropractors are neuromusculoskeletal system specialists that rehabilitate injuries, retrain healthy body posture, massage and relax the muscles to detoxify and rejuvenate tissue health, and realign…

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Vertical Jump Increase and Improvement

For athletes, the vertical jump is a skill that can be increased and improved with proper training. To improve jumping abilities for sports like basketball,…

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Easily Digestible Foods

With the summer heatwave blasting through, some individuals can experience digestive health problems. The relationship between the temperature outside and the temperature in the body…

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Herniated Disc Protocols Implemented For Spinal Decompression

How does non-surgical spinal decompression compare with traditional surgery to improve sensory abnornalities for individuals with herniated discs? Introduction The spinal column provides flexibility and…

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Ice Water Bath For Sore Muscle Recovery

Athletes regularly take an ice-water bath after training or playing. It is known as cold water immersion/cryotherapy. It is used to relieve and reduce muscle…

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Hamstring Injuries Could Be Implementing Other Issues

Introduction How do non-surgical treatments compare with traditional surgical treatments to improve mobility for individuals with hamstring injuries? The hamstrings are muscles in the lower…

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