Individuals dealing with fibromyalgia can find natural remedies to reduce the pain-like symptoms and provide relief to their bodies? Introduction When it comes to the…

Individuals dealing with fibromyalgia can find natural remedies to reduce the pain-like symptoms and provide relief to their bodies? Introduction When it comes to the…
For individuals dealing with fibromyalgia, can incorporating acupuncture as part of integrative treatment help with pain relief? Introduction The musculoskeletal system helps the various muscles,…
Introduction When issues like autoimmune disorders start to affect the body for no reason, it can lead to chronic problems and conditions that can affect the various…
Introduction Everyone has dealt with acute or chronic pain at some point in their lives. The body’s response tells many of us where the pain…
Introduction In today’s podcast, Dr. Alex Jimenez and Master Nutritionist Ana Paola Rodriguez Arciniega discuss what kinds of foods can dampen the effects of fibromyalgia…
Introduction In today’s podcast, Dr. Alex Jimenez, Senior Health Coach Kenna Lee Vaughn, and Master Nutritionist Ana Paola Rodriguez Arciniega discuss what nutritional options are…
Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes pain throughout the whole body. It causes sleep problems, fatigue, and mental/emotional distress. It affects around four million adults…
The classification criteria for fibromyalgia have changed over time, affecting its definition from a “peripheral pain-defined disease” to a “systemic symptom-based disease.” Indeed, the ACR-2010…
The textual definition of pain describes it as the physical suffering caused by an illness injury. Nevertheless, pain can also be inflicted or felt if…
Migraines and Fibromyalgia have one thing in common, they are both due to mitochondrial dysfunction. More often than not we see those with mitochondrial dysfunction suffering from more than one type of discomfort. The first thing we do is take a detailed history, to truly understand the patient’s history, environment, previous treatment plans, and symptoms.Â
Mitochondrial function is a necessity for the body to perform properly. There have been studies that show that magnesium and malic acid is needed for mitochondrial function. In fact, giving magnesium malate 2 tabs, three times a day showed decreased pain in fibromyalgia patients. Magnesium also helps as a laxative and is often helpful in cleansing the gut and beginning to restore gut health. Another step we take to restore gut health is to perform a food sensitivity test to make sure they do not have any specific IgG reactions to foods consumed in their daily diet. We use the Food Sensitivity Test from Vibrant America. Genes
There is research supporting that individuals who have an MTHFR gene mutation are more susceptible to instability in the central neurovascular system. Those who have a MTHFR gene mutation can not convert folate to methylfolate. This is linked to migraines, mood problems, and increased susceptibility for fibromyalgia. For more information regarding MTHFR, please refer to GeneCards: MTHFR.
Nutrition / SupplementsÂ
After analyzing lab work, and when implemented correctly, there are many foods and supplements that can help patients with symptoms associated with mitochondrial dysfunction.Â
Some foods to eat include:Â
almonds and other nuts and seeds
dark leafy greens
The supplements we use are from Biotics Research and include:
Bio-Multi Plus
ProMulti Plus
Bio D MulsionÂ
Optimal EFA caps
Fibromyalgia is anything but simple. It is classified as a neurologic health condition. The factors of this condition include pain and widespread tenderness throughout the entire body. The widespread pain that individuals experience affects the mitochondria, leading to mitochondrial dysfunction, systemic inflammation, oxidative stress, and DNA damage.
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