Sciatica Pain

Sciatic Nerve Pain: The common cause is a bulging or ruptured disc (herniated disc) in the spine pressing against the nerve roots that lead to the sciatic nerve. Sciatica pain can also be a symptom of other conditions affecting the spine, such as narrowing of the spinal canal (spinal stenosis), bone spurs (small, bony growths that form along joints) caused by arthritis, or nerve root compression (pinched nerve) caused by injury or inflammation. In rare cases, sciatica can also be caused by conditions that do not involve the spine, i.e. tumors or pregnancy. Health coaching and chiropractic care can help to relieve sciatica pain and discomfort.

What are the symptoms?

Pain that begins in your back or buttock and moves down your leg and may move into the foot. Weakness, tingling, or numbness in the leg may also occur.

Sitting, standing for a long time, and movements that cause the spine to flex (such as knee-to-chest exercises) may make symptoms worse.

Walking, lying down, and movements that extend the spine (such as press-ups) may relieve symptoms.

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Muscle Memory Back Pain Sciatica

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Repercussions Long Term Sciatica

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Various Treatments Relieving Sciatica Pain

Introduction As part of the peripheral nervous system, the sciatic nerve is the largest nerve providing sensory and motor functions to the legs. The sciatic…

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Sciatic Nerve Nutrition Decompression

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How The Sciatic Nerve Benefits From Decompression

Introduction The central nervous system in the body controls every muscle, tissue, organ, and nerve all over the entire structure. Since the nervous system in the body…

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Sciatica Motor Vehicle Crash

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Sciatica Causes: Genetics, Low Back Problems, Piriformis, Arthritis

Sciatica Causes: The sciatic nerve forms by the union of Lumbar4 to Sacral31 nerve roots and exits the pelvis through the greater sciatic foramen, below…

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Pain Running Down The Leg

A common symptom of sciatica is radiating/spreading pain running down the leg. However, the leg pain could be something to do with the blood vessels.…

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Multiple Sclerosis, Sciatica, and Nerve Pain

Multiple sclerosis and sciatica can exist side by side or have overlapping symptoms. The sciatic nerve begins at the lower back, then through the hips…

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Image of Dr. Alex Jimenez with thumbs up standing in front of his office clinic.

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Image of a doctor demonstrating degenerative disc disease to a patient.

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