Hip Pain & Disorders

Hip pain & disorders are a common complaint that can be caused by a variety of problems. Precise location of your hip pain can give more information about the underlying cause. The hip joint on its own tends to result in pain on the inside of your hip or groin area. Pain on the outside, upper thigh or outer buttock is usually caused by ailments/problems with the muscles, ligaments, tendons and soft tissues surrounding the hip joint. Hip pain can also be caused by diseases and conditions in other areas of your body, i.e. the lower back. The first thing is to identify where the pain is coming from. The most important distinguishing factor is to find out if the hip is the cause of the pain. Health coaching can help rule out other areas that may be a cause for concern and work with nutritional habits to ensure the diet is not causing added inflammation to the hip region.  When hip pain comes from muscles, tendons, or ligament injuries, it typically come from overuse or Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). This comes from overusing the hip muscles in the body i.e. iliopsoas tendinitis. This can come from tendon and ligament irritations, which typically are involved in snapping hip syndrome. It can come from inside the joint that is more characteristic of hip osteoarthritis. Each of these types of pain present themselves in slightly different ways, which is then the most important part in diagnosing what the cause is.

Out Of Alignment Hips Decompression

Healthy hips are necessary for standing, sitting, walking, running, bending, twisting, lifting, etc. Hip problems can seriously interfere with everyday activities. Out of alignment hips…

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Tense Hips, Hamstrings, and Back Pain

The body is a connected whole and more than just separate parts and regions. When back pain presents, it might not be the back muscles…

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The Role of Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Pain: Fibromyalgia

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Anterior Pelvic Tilt Downward Posture Hip and Back Pain

APT is short for anterior pelvic tilt.  APT is when the pelvis tilts more down than forward, which can cause strain on the surrounding muscles…

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The Best Diet For Pain Relief | El Paso Texas Chiropractor

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What Is Metabolic Syndrome? | El Paso Texas Chiropractor

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