Tag: relief

Drained Energy: Boost The Central Nervous System

The body needs consistent energy to get through the day. The central nervous system runs from the brain, down through the spine, and then towards…

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When Chronic Back Pain Is Actually A Medical Condition

Back pain usually comes from lifting an object the wrong way or awkwardly moving the body, injuring the spinal structures or muscles. However, sometimes it…

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Multiple Sclerosis, Sciatica, and Nerve Pain

Multiple sclerosis and sciatica can exist side by side or have overlapping symptoms. The sciatic nerve begins at the lower back, then through the hips…

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Chiropractic Helps With Stress, Posture, Mood, Immunity, and Sleep

Chiropractic medicine is used as a standard musculoskeletal injury/strain treatment and for rehabilitation. Chiropractic helps with: Different types of back pain Headaches Neck pain Shoulder…

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Tension In The Neck, Relief and Motion Restored With Chiropractic

Muscle tension in the neck is a common musculoskeletal disorder.  The neck is made up of flexible muscles that support the weight of the head.…

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Tight, Sore, Painful Gluteal Muscles and Chiropractic Release

The Gluteus Maximus Muscle is the largest and the outermost of the gluteal muscles. It stretches from the sacrum and coccyx, parts of the spinal…

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