Tag: muscle

Muscle Recovery Supplements: Chiropractic Health Coach Clinic

Workout recovery is as important as working out. Pushing muscle past its normal levels creates tiny tears in the muscle tissue. It is the repairing…

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An Overview Of Lumbago

Introduction Many individuals don’t realize that the various muscles in their back help provide functionality to the body. The back muscles help move, bend, rotate, and help…

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Trigger Points Affecting The Serratus Anterior

Introduction The upper body works because it provides stability for the body and motor-sensory functions to the arms, neck, shoulders, and chest. The muscles surrounding each…

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Muscle Twitching Chiropractic Health Coach

Nerves control muscle fibers. Muscle twitching is an involuntary contraction of the muscle fibers. When individuals play sports/work out vigorously or for a long time,…

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Headache Chiropractor: Health Coach Clinic

Headaches are a common condition that most experience and can differ greatly regarding type, severity, location, and frequency. Headaches range from mild discomfort to constant…

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The Biceps Being Affected By Trigger Points

Introduction The upper arms allow the individual to move the arms, hands, and fingers, enabling them to do everyday activities without feeling pain or injuries. Different muscles…

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