Tag: medicine

Athletic Training Checklist: EP’s Health Coach Clinic

For individuals starting an exercise program and professional athletes, training must be well-spent to develop fitness and specific sports skills. It is important to remember…

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Making A Satisfying Salad: Health Coach Clinic

A satisfying salad is a great way to get more fruits and vegetables high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. A salad using the right ingredients…

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Late Night Healthy Nutritious Snacks: Health Coach Clinic

With the summer approaching, the day’s heat makes the body want to eat light or not at all. That’s when late-night hunger kicks in. Individuals…

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Pinched Nerve Duration: EP’s Health Coach Clinic

A pinched, compressed, overly stretched, twisted, and entangled nerve can happen throughout the body. The most common locations are the neck, shoulder, upper back, upper…

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When The Body Craves Salt: EP Health Coach Clinic

Although salt is satisfying to the palate and necessary for survival, when the body craves salt, it can be a symptom of a health condition/s.…

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Paresthesia: EP’s Health Coach Clinic

The nervous system communicates with the entire body and reacts to internal and external changes using electrical and chemical impulses to send and receive messages.…

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Sacroiliac Sprain: EP’s Health Coach Clinic

A joint is where two bones meet. The two sacroiliac or SI joints connect the spine, pelvis, and hips. This strong joint balances and transmits…

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Engaging The Core: EP Health Coach Clinic

The body’s core muscles are used for stability, balance, lifting, pushing, pulling, and movement. Engaging the core muscles means bracing and tightening the abdominal muscles,…

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Running Foot Numbness: EP Health Coach Clinic

It’s not unusual for runners to experience tingling, pins and needles, and numbness in their feet while running. Running foot numbness is a relatively common…

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Supplements To Ease Headaches: EP Health Coach Clinic

Supplements To Ease Headaches: Individuals dealing with headaches or migraines should consider incorporating supplements to ease headaches’ severity and frequency. Nutrition and food habits affect…

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Gelatin Health: EP’s Health Coach Clinic

Gelatin is a stabilizer and thickener used to make desserts like fruit gelatin, pudding, mousse, marshmallows, candy, cakes, ice cream, and certain yogurts. It is…

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Why The Spine Goes Out of Alignment: Health Coach Clinic

As humans, there are a variety of stressors experienced daily. Stress collects in various body areas, most commonly the upper back, jaw, and neck muscles.…

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Muscle Cramp: EP’s Health Coach Clinic

Pretty much everyone experiences a muscle cramp at some point. A muscle cramp is an involuntarily contracted muscle that does not relax, similar to a…

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Body Misalignment Digestive Problems: EP Health Coach Clinic

Body misalignment can cause various symptoms to be experienced, ranging from headaches, neck and back pain, sore feet, discomfort in the joints, muscles, or nerves,…

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Softball – Baseball Injuries: EP’s Health Coach Clinic

Softball and baseball require running, jumping, throwing, and swinging movements. Even for the fittest athletes and weekend warriors, the body and the neuromusculoskeletal system will…

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