Tag: benefits

Garlic Tea Health Benefits

“Garlic tea is an herbal tonic made from garlic, lemon, and honey. What medicinal uses and benefits can garlic provide that is supported by scientific…

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Black Pepper Health Benefits

Should individuals increase their intake of black pepper to help with various health issues like fighting inflammation, strengthening the immune system, and improving digestion? Black…

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Cranberry Juice Health Benefits

Individuals dealing with health problems, UTIs, and skin issues can become chronic, what are the effects and benefits of drinking cranberry juice? Cranberry Juice Cranberries…

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Joint Manipulation Health Benefits

Individuals at work, school, etc, perform all kinds of repetitive physical tasks that put their bodies through a great deal of musculoskeletal stress, what are…

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Spinal Structure Restoration: EP Health Coach Clinic

General health, diet, exercise, and lifestyle are important, but the importance of the spinal structure is often forgotten. The spine, or backbone, is the body’s…

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Fiber and Gut Health: EP’s Health Coach Clinic

Not getting enough fiber in one’s diet can lead to fiber deficiency. Fiber helps support gut and microbiome health. Individuals not getting enough fiber may…

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Healthy Breads: EP’s Health Coach Clinic

The right kind of bread can be an extremely healthful food. Eating more whole grains is associated with lower weight and reduced health problems, heart…

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Gelatin Health: EP’s Health Coach Clinic

Gelatin is a stabilizer and thickener used to make desserts like fruit gelatin, pudding, mousse, marshmallows, candy, cakes, ice cream, and certain yogurts. It is…

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Holiday Health: EP’s Health Coach Clinic

Winter is when most children and adults are prone to catching colds, the flu, etc. The excitement of the holiday season can also take a…

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Working With A Nutritionist: Chiropractic Functional Health Coach

Nutritionists are medical professionals in food and nutrition and work one-on-one to develop an optimal nutrition plan for their body type, age, and health conditions. They…

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Clean Eating: Chiropractic Functional Medicine Team

Clean eating for beginners is a way to approach how you eat by removing unnecessary fats, sugars, and carbs, avoiding processed foods, and embracing vegetables,…

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Vehicle Collision Injuries – Decompression Benefits

Any vehicle crash, collision, or accident can cause various injuries, with back pain issues as a primary injury or a side effect from other injuries.…

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