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Agility Enhancement: EP Health Coach Clinic

Agility is the ability to accelerate, decelerate, stabilize, and quickly change directions with proper form and posture. Everyone, athletes and non-athletes, use agility every day.…

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Tight Back Muscles: EP Health Coach Clinic

There is a multitude of reasons why back muscles tighten and stiffen up. Muscles pull the bones and joints. Overuse and/or injuries can pull the…

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Toe Flexors & Trigger Points

Introduction Regarding different destinations, our feet allow the legs and the lower body to move forward and stabilize the upper extremities from putting so much…

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Holiday Health: EP’s Health Coach Clinic

Winter is when most children and adults are prone to catching colds, the flu, etc. The excitement of the holiday season can also take a…

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Knee Neuropathy: Health Coach Clinic

Individuals dealing with aching knees is one of the most common health problems and affects people of all ages. The knee is the largest joint…

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Idiopathic Scoliosis: Health Coach Clinic

Idiopathic scoliosis means that no cause congenital or neuromuscular that created the spinal deformation has been identified. However, idiopathic scoliosis is the most common type,…

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Pinched Nerves and Muscle Spasms: Health Coach Clinic

Pinched Nerves and Muscle Spasms: A pinched or compressed nerve can occur in various body regions, from the wrist to the foot. When a nerve…

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Healthy Posture Guidelines: Health Coach Clinic

Healthy Posture Guidelines: Posture is how an individual holds their body. Healthy posture is when minimal stress is applied to the joints. Maintaining and holding…

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