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Vehicle Crash Hip Injury: EP Health Coach Clinic

As one of the most load-bearing joints in the body, the hips nearly affect every movement. If the hip joint is involved in a vehicle…

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Lime Water Perks: EP’s Health Coach Clinic

The human body is about 60% to 75% water. Adequate hydration is necessary to flush toxins from the body, is essential for cognition, prevents dehydration,…

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Finding Relief From Low Back Pain With Spinal Decompression

Introduction Lower back pain is a common problem that affects many people worldwide. It can hinder individuals from engaging in physical activities or working on important projects. Failure to…

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Finding A Sports Injury Specialist: Health Coach Clinic

Sports activities will result in aches, pains, and injuries that need to be examined by a doctor or specialist for proper diagnosis and treatment. Finding…

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Protein Deficiency: EP Health Coach Clinic

Protein deficiency, or hypoproteinemia, is when the body has lower-than-normal protein levels. Protein is an essential nutrient in bones, muscles, skin, hair, and nails, and…

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Improve Range of Motion: EP’s Health Coach Clinic

Range of motion – ROM measures the movement around a joint or body part. When stretching or moving certain body parts, like a muscle or…

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Glute Muscle Imbalance: EP’s Health Coach Clinic

The gluteal muscles/glutes comprise the buttocks. They are a powerful muscle group that consists of three muscles. The gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus.…

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Athletic Training Checklist: EP’s Health Coach Clinic

For individuals starting an exercise program and professional athletes, training must be well-spent to develop fitness and specific sports skills. It is important to remember…

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Therapeutic Wavelengths, Tissue Absorption, & Spinal Decompression

Introduction The musculoskeletal system, comprising muscles, tissues, and ligaments, works with the brain from the central nervous system to provide mobility, stability, and function to the…

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Making A Satisfying Salad: Health Coach Clinic

A satisfying salad is a great way to get more fruits and vegetables high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. A salad using the right ingredients…

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Athletic Running Shoes For Back Problems: Health Coach

Individuals on their feet all day regularly experience back problems and discomfort symptoms. Wearing unstable shoes that are flat with no arch support with little…

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