Tag: headaches

Self-Care for Headaches: Effective Techniques to Try

For individuals dealing with headaches, can utilizing self-care techniques help ease symptoms? Headaches Self Care There are different self-pain-relieving approaches to ease headache-related pain that…

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Migraine Physical Therapy: Addressing Neck-related Headaches

For individuals who suffer from migraine headaches, can incorporating physical therapy help decrease pain, improve mobility, and manage future attacks? Migraine Physical Therapy Cervicogenic migraine…

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Understanding The Signs & Symptoms of Forward Head Posture

“Individuals that sit at a desk/workstation for hours for work or school, or drive for a living, could be fostering a long-term condition known as…

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What Not To Do With Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

Temporomandibular joint disorder causes pain and jaw locking that can be worsened with certain activities. How individuals can manage and prevent flare-ups by learning what…

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Heat Induced Headaches: EP’s Health Coach Clinic

When temperatures are elevated in summer, heat-induced and severe headaches like migraines are common during the hot months. However, a migraine caused by heat is…

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Supplements To Ease Headaches: EP Health Coach Clinic

Supplements To Ease Headaches: Individuals dealing with headaches or migraines should consider incorporating supplements to ease headaches’ severity and frequency. Nutrition and food habits affect…

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Vision Problems Could Be Cause of Neck Pain and Headaches

Shoulder and neck discomfort, pain, and headaches could be caused by vision problems and eye strain that require corrective glasses, contact lenses, or an updated…

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Medication Overuse Headaches: EP Health Coach Clinic

Medication overuse headaches – MOH comes from frequent or excessive use of pain-relieving medications, resulting in daily or near-daily headaches for which the drugs become…

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Slouching Causes: EP’s Health Coach Clinic

Unhealthy posture and slouching incorrectly position the body unnaturally, adding chronic strain on the muscles and ligaments. For example, when sitting or standing at a…

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Myofascial Trigger Pain On The Occipitofrontalis Muscle

Introduction Having headaches can affect anyone at any time, and various issues (both underlying and non-underlying) can play a part in the development. Factors like stress, allergies, traumatic events,…

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Sports Exercise Headaches Health Coach Chiropractor

Sports exercise headaches are exertion headaches that involve pain during or immediately after sports, exercise, or some physical activity. They come on quickly but can…

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How Decompression Therapy Can Alleviate Tension Headaches

Introduction All around the world, most everyone has some form of headache that can affect their mood. Headaches can range from a dull ache on the forehead…

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