Before you begin running, talk with your physician, prosthetist, and other clinicians involved in your rehabilitation/health care treatment. Learning to use a prosthetic takes time…
Stress and anxiety treatments can include a range of therapies, including talking therapy, meditation techniques, and medication. Chiropractic care, adjustments, and massage are also used…
Nerves control muscle fibers. Muscle twitching is an involuntary contraction of the muscle fibers. When individuals play sports/work out vigorously or for a long time,…
Sports exercise headaches are exertion headaches that involve pain during or immediately after sports, exercise, or some physical activity. They come on quickly but can…
Football season is here, and the sport demands healthy, strong bodies. It is explosive, with high-intensity plays lasting between 2-15 seconds. Strength and power are…
Wrestling is a sport that requires speed, strength, and endurance that involves intense physical contact, pushing and pulling the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints to…
Motor vehicle crashes and accidents cause significant trauma in a few seconds changing an individual’s life completely. Severe injuries include traumatic brain injury, spinal cord…
Individuals drive to jobs, to school, run errands, take road trips, spending a lot of time on the road. Accidents and crashes happen more frequently…
Spondylitis Anti-Inflammation Diet: Individuals who have a chronic back pain condition can be recommended to have two or more vertebrae fused to correct the problem/s…
As individual bodies age, the nerves and muscles begin to degenerate, especially in the lower spinal region. This can cause sciatic pain and muscle weakness.…
Automobile accidents and crashes can cause all kinds of damage to the body even when the accident/crash is not severe. Physical symptoms might not present…
Sports-specific performance training is an approach to develop an athlete’s full potential in their sport. This involves three different factors: physical, technical, and experience. Physical…
Post spine surgery physical therapy or PT is the next phase after a discectomy, laminectomy, fusion, etc., to gain optimal mobility and ease the transition…
Athletes or weekend warriors hate to be sidelined from an injury or physical limitation. This is where chiropractic medicine and physical therapy for athletes can…
When individuals think about wellness and health, they usually think about a checkup with their doctor. However, wellness treatment with chiropractic is much more proactive.…
Sciatic nerve injury happens from trauma to the nerve and can cause numbness, tingling, loss of muscle power, and pain. The traumatic experience can be…
Chiropractic and spinal health. Most individuals seek out chiropractic care only after an injury and when pain presents. Because traditional medical care tends to focus…