Tag: pain

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Jaw Clenching: Health Coach Clinic

Bruxism is an abnormal jaw clenching or grinding of the teeth, either while awake or during sleep. This can cause neck and shoulder tension caused…

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Exercises For Upper Back Pain

Introduction The various muscles and ligaments that encompass the back help protect the spine’s thoracic region. The spine has three sections: cervical, thoracic, and lumbar, which…

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Neck Aches Caused by Tight Thoracic Mid-Back Muscles

Neck aches, soreness, and pain symptoms are not always neck-related. Tight thoracic or mid-back muscles can pull on the neck muscles causing various symptoms. Upper…

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An Overview Of Parkinson’s Disease Affecting The Body

Introduction The brain is one of the most powerful organs providing somatic and peripheral signals throughout the body. The brain ensures that the body stays functional and sends the right amount…

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IBD Back Symptoms: EP’s Health Coach Clinic

Inflammatory bowel disease, or IBD, causes inflammation of the digestive tract lining, which often involves the deeper layers. Gastrointestinal or GI problems of the stomach…

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Tight Back Muscles: EP Health Coach Clinic

There is a multitude of reasons why back muscles tighten and stiffen up. Muscles pull the bones and joints. Overuse and/or injuries can pull the…

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Toe Flexors & Trigger Points

Introduction Regarding different destinations, our feet allow the legs and the lower body to move forward and stabilize the upper extremities from putting so much…

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