Tag: chiropractic

neurodegenerative diseases
DNA Mind: Neurodegenerative Disease

The human brain is extremely complex. Although responsible for many of our bodies capabilities, it has been known to cause extreme downfalls and disabilities if it goes awry. Neurodegenerative disorders include mild cognitive decline & late onset Alzheimer’s disease (LOAD). By using genetic testing, we are able to assess these genes and gain biochemical insight as to how to take our patients in a direction that is best for intervention and treatment strategies. The genetic test we use is DNA Mind from DNA Life.

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Sports Performance: Genetics Part 1
Sports Performance: Genetics Part 1

Growing up, there always seemed to be the kids in P.E. who were just naturally better at sports than others. Additionally, there were kids who seemed like they were always hurt. Genetics make up a large factor when it comes to athletic performance and recovery. Over the last few decades, research has emerged proving that athletic performance, training responsiveness, injury-related traits, and the ability to recover from a workout can be tailored down to the genetics of an individual. We have the capability to do a genetic test on individuals so that parents and coaches are able to learn more about the athlete and how to train them for optimal performance. Many parents take advantage of this test and use it to see the athlete’s weakness, therefore building them up and focusing on that area. This allows the athlete to have a better chance of success. We use DNA Sport from DNA Life.

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The Role Of Inflammation | El Paso Texas Chiropractor

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Understanding Functional Medicine | El Paso Texas Chiropractor

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The Role of Nrf2 and Inflammation | El Paso Texas Chiropractor

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