Tag: anxiety

Nervous Stomach: Treatment Options and Lifestyle Changes

Emotional challenges like anxiety and depression or digestive disorders can cause individuals to experience a nervous stomach. Can knowing common symptoms, what causes them, and…

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Finding Relief: How Acupuncture Can Help with Insomnia

“Can acupuncture treatment help individuals dealing with or experiencing insomnia and sleep issues and/or disorders?” Acupuncture For Insomnia Acupuncture is a type of holistic medicine…

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Developing Mental Toughness to Maximize Athletic Potential

“It can be difficult for individuals and athletes to stay motivated, manage stress, and prevent becoming overwhelmed. Can mental toughness and a positive attitude help…

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Foods For Stress: EP Health Coach Clinic

Maintaining a healthy and well-balanced nutritional plan is recommended for overall health. When the body is nourished healthily, it will perform optimally. Stress is part…

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Managing Stress with Chiropractic Treatment Plans

Stress and anxiety treatments can include a range of therapies, including talking therapy, meditation techniques, and medication. Chiropractic care, adjustments, and massage are also used…

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