
Relaxation is a vital component the human body needs for optimal function. In our hectic lives, it’s hard to find time for R&R. If you deal with this in your life, a massage is in order. Massage therapy is a general term that refers to various types of soft tissue manipulation for therapeutic purposes. It utilizes manual manipulation to improve circulation, relax muscles, improve range of motion, and increase endorphin levels. Healthcare providers recognize massage therapy as a legitimate therapy for lower back pain. This therapy usually follows some type of medical treatment. Types of  therapy include neuromuscular, sports, and Swedish. For example Neuromuscular therapy, which is the most effective treatment for low back pain, consists of alternating levels of pressure applied to muscles to alleviate muscle spasm. First of all, make sure to drink plenty of water following a massage. With massaging procedures, the tissues of your body will be stimulated, resulting in the release of toxins. Drinking at least 10 glasses of water throughout the day will flush out the toxins. Aim to drink 2-3 glasses within the first hour or so and then at least 8 more within the next 24 hours. In the hour following the massage, drink several glasses and then continue with eight more in the next 23 hours. Health coaches recommend massages, as they create a great benefit on many-body systems.

Percussive Massage Therapy: Health Coach Clinic

The body’s musculoskeletal system consists of bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, and connective tissues. These parts get pushed to the extreme with everyday wear and tear,…

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Neuropathy Therapeutic Massage Chiropractic Health Coach

Neuropathy therapeutic massage is a system of structured palpations or movements of the body’s soft tissues. When the nerves don’t get enough oxygen and nutrients…

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Muscle Twitching Chiropractic Health Coach

Nerves control muscle fibers. Muscle twitching is an involuntary contraction of the muscle fibers. When individuals play sports/work out vigorously or for a long time,…

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After Traveling Chiropractic Will Relieve Musculoskeletal Stress

After traveling, body/musculoskeletal aches and pains can present from continual standing in line, sitting, staying in the same position, carrying a heavy bag or pulling…

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GERD and upper cross suyndrome

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Pregnant and Chiropractic

Pregnant and Chiropractic: Many women experience back/pelvis/leg/feet swelling, soreness, achiness, and pain during pregnancy. A growing belly added weight and changes in connective tissue can…

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Wellness as a Healthy Lifestyle
Wellness as a Healthy Lifestyle

Nowadays, health can mean very different things when we consider our status. Indeed, being healthy is not the same for a patient struggling with cancer…

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Tinnitus and its Alternative Treatment
Tinnitus and its Alternative Treatment

Tinnitus is defined as the perception of sound without an external acoustic stimulus. It is a prevalent complaint in ENT offices, but the etiology of…

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