Can individuals reduce being sick by incorporating chiropractic care and health coaching as a treatment plan to relieve pain? What Happens To The Body When…
The nervous system is a network of roads that feed into highways that connect to an interstate system. The roads are the nerves that innervate…
The lower back core muscles initiate and control movement and posture. Total body movements start at the pelvis and are carried out by the low…
The human brain is extremely complex. Although responsible for many of our bodies capabilities, it has been known to cause extreme downfalls and disabilities if it goes awry. Neurodegenerative disorders include mild cognitive decline & late onset Alzheimer’s disease (LOAD). By using genetic testing, we are able to assess these genes and gain biochemical insight as to how to take our patients in a direction that is best for intervention and treatment strategies. The genetic test we use is DNA Mind from DNA Life.
The mitochondria is the “powerhouse of the cellâ€. It obtained this nickname by being the creator of ATP, or the energy our body produces to carry out functions. However, the mitochondria is responsible for so much more than that. More recently, studies have been showing a link between mitochondrial health and degenerative age-related diseases such as type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and others. Mitochondrial dysfunction can be linked and grouped into three categories: neurodegenerative diseases, immune diseases, and hepatic diseases.