For individuals who injure their neck or back, the muscles may spasm or seize up, making it difficult to get through the day, exercises, physical…
Can knowing how to stretch your back help reduce pain and improve your range of motion? Stretch Your Back Over time, muscle tension can cause…
Can individuals dealing with narcolepsy find ways to reduce its effects on the musculoskeletal system and improve sleep? What Is Narcolepsy? Around the world, many…
Can individuals experiencing back pain from various factors incorporate MET (muscle energy techniques) to restore mobility? Factors That Causes Back Pain More often than not,…
Can individuals receive a full night’s rest by recognizing sleep disturbances to only get proper muscle function and improve their health? What Causes Sleep Disturbances?…
Is applying ice the best option for individuals who experience an acute back strain injury? Temperature Treatment Ice temperature treatment, also known as cryotherapy or…
For individuals going through post surgery, injury rehabilitation, illness and/or chronic condition management, can physical therapy isometric exercises help? Isometric Exercise Isometric exercises are used…
What are the treatment options for individuals dealing with foot overpronation when the foot and ankle move too much downward and inward? Overpronation Pronation is…
Yips are involuntary wrist muscle spasms that affect athletes. They are often associated with golf, baseball, and sports that involve swinging and throwing motions, such…
The iliacus muscle is a triangle-shaped muscle in the pelvic bone that flexes and rotates the thigh bone. It works with the other muscles in…
The vastus lateralis is a muscle on the outside part of the thigh. Injuries to the muscle include strains, tendinitis, femoral nerve compression, and others.…
Can individuals incorporate proper posture in their workouts to provide effective results and reduce muscle pain in their bodies? Introduction Many people have started participating…
Therapeutic massage guns are great for athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Can daily massage gun use be incorporated into a daily routine? Daily Massage Gun Use…
Individuals who engage in sports and physical activities that involve lunging forward while running or jumping can sustain a plantaris muscle injury. Can understanding the…
The levator scapulae muscles could be overstretched for individuals experiencing upper back, shoulder, and neck pain. Can physical therapies help relieve pain and retrain the…
For individuals experiencing piriformis syndrome. Can knowing the causes and what it feels like help in diagnosis and treatment? Managing Piriformis Syndrome Piriformis syndrome is…
Individuals dealing with pain in the buttocks can make life difficult to sit, walk, or perform simple, everyday tasks. Can understanding the anatomy, location, and…