
Chiropractic is a form of alternative treatment which focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of musculoskeletal injuries and conditions, especially those associated with the spine. Dr. Alex Jimenez discusses how the use of spinal adjustments and manual manipulations on a regular basis can greatly help both improve overall health and eliminate many symptoms that could be causing discomfort to the individual. Chiropractors believe among the main reasons for pain and disease is the misalignment of the vertebrae in the spinal column (this is known as a chiropractic subluxation). Through the usage of manual detection (or palpation), carefully applied pressure, massage, and manual manipulation of the vertebrae and joints (called adjustments), chiropractors are able to alleviate pressure and irritation on the nerves, restore joint mobility, and help return the body’s homeostasis. With regular adjustments, nutritional support from health coaching, and all-natural supplements, patients see an improvement of overall health. From subluxations, or spinal misalignments, to sciatica, a set of symptoms along the sciatic nerve caused by nerve impingement, chiropractic care can gradually restore the individual’s natural state of being and improve overall health. Dr. Jimenez compiles a group of concepts pertaining to chiropractic to best educate individuals on the variety of injuries and conditions affecting the human body.

Neuroregeneration: Growing Nerve Cells

Neuroregeneration could become an option for spinal cord injury treatments in the future. A spinal cord injury or SCI is when there is damage to…

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Post Spine Surgery Physical Therapy

Post spine surgery physical therapy or PT is the next phase after a discectomy, laminectomy, fusion, etc., to gain optimal mobility and ease the transition…

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Most Common Form Of Pain The Headache

The most common form of pain is the headache. Whether dealing with a mild, dull ache, severe throbbing, or painful tension along the scalp and…

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Alexander Technique

Improving posture can be challenging. Poor posture is often the source of various musculoskeletal issues like chronic pain throughout the body. Poor posture can be…

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Sleeping With A Bulging Disc

Sleeping with a bulging disc can be challenging for the body to achieve the proper rest. And sleeping in an awkward position can add stress…

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Low Back Gluteal Strengthening

Today, more than ever, individuals are less physically active and sitting down for more extended periods causing the gluteus muscles to be used less and…

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Compression Fracture

Sometimes the bones or vertebrae of the spine can crack and collapse under their weight. This is known as a compression fracture, vertebral compression fracture,…

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Cancer Back Pain

Back pain and soreness are widespread conditions that affect all genders, races, and lifestyles. The causes for back pain are varied from injury, poor posture,…

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