Introduction The ankles and the lower legs have a casual relationship by allowing movement to the foot that causes an up-and-down motion. The lower leg has various…
Introduction The legs are crucial for many individuals to move, jump, run, walk, and stand in various locations. The legs involve the thighs, hips, and knees as…
Introduction As one of the stabilizers for the body, the knees are located between the thighs and legs, allowing flexion and extension. The knees help the…
Introduction Many individuals utilize their lower muscles to move around and stay active as each muscle does its job and allows mobility to the hips and…
Introduction The hips and thighs have a working relationship as their jobs are to maintain stability for the legs and pelvis while supporting the upper…
Introduction The chest has the pectoralis major muscle that works with the upper half of the body that provides mobility and power. The pectoralis major also surrounds…
Introduction Many people use their hands when going to work or doing normal things in their daily lives. The hands correlate with the five finger…
Introduction When it comes to the body, many factors can cause low back pain without a person knowing they encounter it. Simple actions like sitting, standing, and…
Many live with chronic discomfort and pain regularly in one or both knees. This could be from past injuries, being overweight, lack of physical conditioning,…
Introduction Many people worldwide know that exercising has impressive benefits that help improve the body’s overall wellness. The body has different muscle groups that have a casual…
Introduction When many individuals look for ways to relax after a stressful event in their daily lives, many people have an exercise regime that allows them to…
Introduction Everyone is trying to find what exercise works for them as they start looking for ways to improve their health and wellness. Many individuals…
Introduction When the weather becomes hot, and everyone begins to plan fun activities to enjoy, one of the many activities that come to mind is…
Healthy sleep plays a vital role in the body’s overall health, as it ensures muscle growth, recovery, and illness prevention. This is especially true for…
 Stretching Fundamentals: Stretching benefits the body by keeping the muscles flexible, strong, healthy, and able to maintain optimal physical performance. As with any other discipline…
Post spine surgery physical therapy or PT is the next phase after a discectomy, laminectomy, fusion, etc., to gain optimal mobility and ease the transition…
Ankylosing Spondylitis was first described two centuries ago and is the most common form of spondyloarthritis. Indeed, the term spondyloarthritis refers to a group of…