Can non-surgical treatments help individuals with piriformis syndrome reduce referred sciatica pain and help restore hip mobility? Piriformis Muscle & Piriformis Syndrome Within the lower extremities,…
“Can physical therapy treatment protocols aimed at improving range of motion and flexibility around the hip and relieving inflammation around the sciatic nerve help individuals…
The piriformis is a large and powerful muscle beneath the gluteal/buttocks muscles. It runs from the bottom of the sacrum, where the base of the…
Introduction The lumbar region of the spine has various muscles and nerve roots that work together with the lower body extremities, like the hips, buttocks, legs, knees, and…
Introduction The muscles in our body help us be active when we want to be, rest and repair after activities, and continue to provide everyday movements that…
Introduction The sciatic nerve is considered the largest in the lower half of the body that helps control sensory and motor functions of the legs. As part…
Sciatica Causes: The sciatic nerve forms by the union of Lumbar4 to Sacral31 nerve roots and exits the pelvis through the greater sciatic foramen, below…