Introduction The central nervous system is home to the brain and spinal cord and its primary function are to send out neuron signals all throughout…

Health Coaching takes the focus away from traditional methods and shifts into a more holistic approach. With this being said, plants are a great source of natural medicine. As more research is being conducted, the findings support use for various ailments, conditions, diseases, disorders etc… Chiropractor, Dr. Alex Jimenez and his Health Coach investigate and bring insight to these developing medicines. How they can help patients, what they can do and what they cannot do.
Most know about cannabinoids from the marijuana plant. It is the most recognized cannabinoid aka tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the compound that causes feelings of euphoria.
Scientists identified cannabinoids only in cannabis. However, new research has found these same medicinal qualities in many plants, including black pepper, broccoli, carrots, clove, echinacea and ginseng.
These vegetables or spices won’t get you high, but having an understanding of how these different plants affect the human body can lead to vital health discoveries.
Introduction The central nervous system is home to the brain and spinal cord and its primary function are to send out neuron signals all throughout…
One of the most interesting aspects of the human brain is its ability to become addicted. Addiction is a serious problem and based on genetic predisposition, many are prone to it. Addictive behaviors include alcohol, nicotine, cannabis & opioid dependence, psychosis response from cannabis use, eating disorders such as binge eating, and adrenaline seeking/risk taking behaviors. These forms of addiction are all involved in biological areas that contribute to disease. We have the ability to test our patients to determine if they have a genetic predisposition to one of these addictive behaviors and create protocols to advise them to stay away from participating in any of these harmful behaviors at the risk of developing an addiction. The genetic test we use is DNA Mind from DNA Life.